
And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.
Hebrews 10:24

At Four Towns, we have a simple hope: to see people come to know Jesus Christ and grow in their Christian faith.  Our ministries come in all shapes and sizes; they are constantly evolving, and new ones are developing, so if you have specific questions or suggestions, you are urged to talk with Pastor Sean or other leaders of the congregation.

If you are interested in participating in any of these activities listed, please talk to either Pastor Sean or the individuals noted as leaders.

United Methodist Women (UMW)

Our UMW devote themselves to serving the church and outreach ministries to serve the community. Members meet monthly and undertake projects like the twice-yearly Rummage Sales and other support missions, both locally and around the world. Events that raise both fun and funds support various mission projects and provide participants with opportunities for fellowship and service.

Leap Into Learning

Four Towns works alongside Grace and Peace Community Church in Pontiac to offer this program. Our member, Jane Johnson directs this program which is designed to assist children and adults who need help with their reading, computer, mathematics, or English language skills. Although support is available for anyone who needs it, volunteers focus on children from Alcott Elementary School which is located across the street from Grace & Peace. This program is offered one day a week during the school year (3:30 pm to 5:30 pm) and several days a week during the summer. Volunteers are always welcomed to offer positive influences on our learners.

“Pay What You Can” Italian Dinners

Every two months, we open our doors at Four Towns for a neighborly dinner where all are welcome, and all just pay-what-they-can. We work in partnership with Open Door Outreach Center (just down the road), one of Oakland County's biggest food pantries. Our members, their clients and many neighbors of all faiths throughout our community share a meal and fellowship together; funds raised are shared between Open Door and Four Towns.